Data Center Architecture: What’s the importance of Temperature Control? 

Data centers are one of the trickiest buildings to design for architects because of the excessive heat produced by machinery housed in the data centers to store data. 

High temperature in data centers is a problem for the workers and the durability of the buildings, and the coverings of the walls and floors. High temperatures may also lead to the melting of the tile glaze or change the color of the white tiles, ruining the aesthetics. 

Professional architecture firms ensure that the temperature of data centers remains consistent and comfortable for workers. 

Architects also keep materials under consideration that are used in constructing a data center building so those aesthetics, as well as the machinery, are not affected due to excessive internal heat. 

Take a look at Stendel Reich architecture for data centers for aesthetically appealing and thermally well-controlled data center building designs.

Heat issues in data centers pose the following risks:

  • Decreased durability of interacting surfaces
  • Uncomfortable working environment 
  • Risk of material ignition 
  • Machinery failure 
  • Data loss

As a data center owner, you can save yourself from the risks mentioned above by taking advice from or hiring a professional architecture firm like Stendel Reich.

Benefits of Smart Data Center Architecture

An intelligent data center building design keeps the temperature of the building under control. 

  • It also focuses on the ventilation system working efficiently to avoid issues caused by high temperatures. 
  • Highly experienced Architects can provide innovative solutions tailored to your needs according to the size of data processing units that you wish to house in the data center. 

Ventilation System

The efficiency of ventilation and air conditioning systems is highly dependent on the building’s architecture and network of ventilation ducts. 

Innovative architects will consider the need for ventilation and air conditioning while designing the data center. A well-designed data center building will put a minimum burden on the air conditioning system, and achieve maximum cooling.

Emergency Management 

Machinery at data centers produces excessive heat, and when the temperature outside the building is high, the risks of mechanical failure or fire ignition increase. 

Architects try to design data center buildings with windows that can be opened if required to let heat escape the building. 

They also plan emergency exits that can be used if there is a fire in the data center. The ventilation system is also smartly designed for data centers to carry out excessive heat. 


Data center buildings are among the most difficult buildings to run and require maintenance investment due to excessive heat production inside them. 

So, it is integral to get your data center building designed by professional architecture firms like Stendel Reich if you want to avoid emergency situations and accidents.