Can Dental Implants Fix Speech Issues in Parkland?

Losing teeth as we age is a common process, but what can make things a little challenging is not being able to communicate properly after losing teeth. Generally speaking, we are all aware that all the parts of our mouth are put to use when we speak. So, when a person loses a tooth, it gets rather challenging to speak properly. The good news is that with advancement, it is possible to fix the problem with dental implants. If you have more questions about how Parkland dental implants can help, find a dentist near you. 

How does losing teeth affect speech?

As we discussed, our teeth have a very important role to play when it comes to speaking. Due to airflow friction between teeth, “Strident” sounds such as “chop,” “vex,” “wish,” and “seed,” and “Th” sounds such as “think” and “this” might be difficult to pronounce.

Quite often, we come across elderly people who find it difficult to pronounce a few words, and it makes them slur. So, if you are still in your early 40s or younger and have lost your teeth for some reason, it can take a toll on your life. Especially if you are someone who has a leadership role and needs to speak in public often. 

If you have been facing these problems for a while and are looking for a solution, dental implants are the answer for you. However, do not take our word for it, get in touch with a dentist in Parkland to weigh all the pros and cons of getting dental implants. 

A lost tooth can cause problems with alignment and speaking. Dental implants improve speech by restoring alignment.

What can you expect?

Suppose you get dental implants, but what happens after that? In terms of what can be expected after the procedure, you will find that all the issues, including gaps, misalignment, and stability, have been adjusted. However, it may take some time for you to get used to the changes and get back to that rhythm.

If it has been some time since you lost your teeth, it can take some time to make that adjustment in speech since you got used to doing things differently. 

Final thought:

Lastly, we would recommend that you visit your dentist in Parkland once in a while to get your dental implants cleaned for maintenance and better longevity.