Top Tips to Manage Swollen Legs

Taking care of your legs makes it easy to notice changes. For instance, you can know when your legs swell, change color or become cold. Swollen legs could be due to blood clots, kidney dysfunction, diabetes, and injuries, among other causes. Weston swollen legs need immediate medical attention, especially if you are experiencing difficulty breathing, chest pains, coughing out blood, and dizziness. This is because the swelling could signify a developing or existing medical condition that, if untreated, could escalate to a life-threatening level. Besides seeking medical attention, here are some home remedies to care for swollen legs.


A sedentary lifestyle could be the main culprit behind swollen legs. The lifestyle could be due to your occupation necessitating lengthy sitting or standing periods. Exercising can help boost circulation and avoid the fluid buildup that can cause or aggravate leg swelling. Simple measures like regular breaks and short walks could be enough exercise to prevent or manage leg swelling. Exercise can’t be emphasized enough since it is crucial for more than boosting leg health, considering its impact on your mental and overall physical wellness.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Massage has various benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. This includes reducing stress, pain, muscle soreness, and tension, boosting the immune system, increasing blood circulation, and lowering blood pressure. Lymphatic drainage massage helps lessen the water retention issue. It increases lymph fluid flow as the lymph nodes in the leg are massaged. When your lymphatic system performs well, you maintain optimal fluid levels, making it easier to avoid or keep leg swelling in check.

Reduce salt intake

Salt is essential in balancing body fluids but in moderate amounts. Uncontrolled sodium intake increases the risk of feet and ankles swelling as it can lead to fluid buildup. Avoid processed meals, such as fast food, as they contain more sodium. You can avoid salt when taking items like seafood and add herbs and spices for flavor. You should also refrain from adding salt to meals when eating. Limiting salt intake lowers fluid retention and, even better, is good for your heart health. While still on your diet, remember to increase magnesium and potassium intake as they help relieve the swelling.

Elevate the legs

Elevating your feet and legs can help in fluid drainage. While resting or in the office, use a stool to keep your leg at an elevated level. Try hacks like placing the legs on a pillow to keep them at heart level as you sleep. This will help in fluid drainage and, as a bonus, help veins carry blood back to the heart, which is handy as you strive to avoid or manage varicose veins.

Use compression socks

Compression socks put pressure on the legs and feet, preventing fluid accumulation and decreasing discomfort and swelling. Compression socks also help prevent blood clots, making it easier to avoid severe complications.

Swollen legs can be uncomfortable and cause significant pain, impacting your routine and the quality of your life. It could also signify a serious health condition, emphasizing the need to seek medical attention. Contact Soffer Health Institute today for more on swollen legs, prevention, management, and treatments.